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The Sprint Vs The Stride

July 7th, 2021

If you didn't already know, I'm a lapsed runner.

I believe that running is the rawest, most basic, level of sport. You don't really need specialised equipment or teammates, you just find some motivation and to move your legs.

That being said, I'm not a great runner. I have however put myself through a few running challenges that required training.

Back in 2018, I ran three half marathons over three weekends. While I didn't run them quickly, it was the fittest I've ever been.

A few weeks before the first race, I undertook a 20km around Southampton. I only set out to run 10km, but I hit my stride and everything was going great. In fact, if it wasn't for a lunch date I was already late for, I could have run 30km.

As I look back over the last 6 years running Steadfast Collective, I see two parallels to running:

1) Training matters

As each year passes, I feel more equipped and confident in my own ability. Not only from the business-experience side but also emotionally ready for any challenges or adversity.

2) Pacing matters

As with most things in life, it's easy to compare your business with others. You need to run your own race. Find a pace that works for you and run with it.

When I was somewhat fitter than I am now, I never found running a long-distance an issue. However, if I was to run with a friend and their pace was even marginally faster than mine, it instantly became a struggle.

At Steadfast Collective, I would rather run the distance at my own pace than be sprinting and burn out, again.