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The Digital Community Leaders podcast - Call for guests

The Digital Community Leaders Podcast is back!

Season 3 kicks off September 3rd 2024.

We chat with community leaders from around the globe and ask them three questions about growth, engagement, leadership, moderation and much more.

These 30 minute podcasts are sharp, short and packed full of actionable ideas.

Previous guests include, Max Pete, Nicole Saunders (Zendesk), Rebecca Marshburn (Common Room), Rosie Sherry (Rosieland), Clare Sutcliffe and many more experts!


Call for guests 👇

The Digital Community Leaders podcast is the flagship podcast for Steadfast Collective.

The podcast sits alongside the popular book, and exclusive dinner club we host in London.

Each week, the Digital Community Leaders podcast will host a community leader, manager, or champion, asking them questions about growth, engagement, and any lessons learned along the way.

Where we will be sharing the podcast;

  1. Newsletter - 900+ subscribers

  2. LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram

  3. Youtube - 1500+ hours of watched content.

Our Audience

We have an engaged group of community leaders, CMOs and founders comprised primarily of UK-based brands.

Call for podcast guests

We're looking to grow our roster of guests who are looking to be featured on The Digital Community Leaders podcast.

If you are involved in running a community and have a story to tell for our community of community managers, reach out directly at [email protected].

Examples of style

You can see an example of my interview style here or here.

Podcast Format

  • Introduction (5 minutes)

  • Dive into your community/background

  • 3 random questions from our pool of 25+ questions. Examples below

    • Your number one tip for engagement (5-10 minutes)

    • Biggest Challenge from the last 12 months (5 minutes)

    • What does your next 12 months look like (5 minutes)

  • Wrap-up (2 minutes)

On Apple Podcasts, Spotify and all other popular podcast platforms. We will record the edited video podcast to our YouTube Channel, and clips will be created for Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

The podcast will be recorded on Streamyard, allowing us to record high-quality audio and video easily.